Aeronautics: Flight Depends on Precision, Skill, and the Right Bearings

Aeronautics, the science of flight and the operation of aircraft, involves many moving parts. Where those parts move, there’s probably a bearing. From the navigation systems to the accelerometers to the landing gear, airframe control and miniature bearings play integral parts in the operation of every type of aircraft.   Flight control systems  Rudders, ailerons, gimbals, […]

Bearing FAQs – ABEC, bearing lubricants, flanges, and more

We know when you’re ordering bearings, you need as much information as possible. That’s why we’ve collected the answers to our most frequently asked bearing questions in one convenient place. If you have a different question about our business, bearings, or our clean room services like repackaging and relubrication, use our contact form to reach […]

The 11 Most Interesting and Unusual Facts About Bearings

Some people think bearings are boring. Those people are wrong. Sure, you might not live, breathe, and eat them like we do at Alpine Bearing, but we hope everyone can still share our love for these components. Bearings are precise, reliable, and beautifully engineered. Yet they can also be fun, weird, and even magical. Read […]

Avoiding Friction From Counterfeit Bearings

If you unwittingly buy a fake Rolex, you’ll be disappointed, but you’ll probably be okay. But if your new bearings are counterfeit, your equipment and the people who operate it are at risk. Why should you care about counterfeit bearings? There’s a reason you choose a reputable brand when you buy bearings: you want to […]

These 10 Things in Your Home Have Bearings in Them 

We deal with bearings all day long here at Alpine Bearing. You might not be as obsessed with bearings as we are, but we bet you interact with bearings in your home every day. Did you know these 10 things in your home have bearings in them?   Microwave. Bearings are perfect for reducing friction on […]

10 Things in Your Office You Didn’t Realize Had Ball Bearings in Them 

At Alpine Bearing, our world revolves around bearings. What you might not know is that your world does too. Whether you work in a skyscraping office building or the corner of your bedroom, you use bearings every day.  Here are 10 places bearings might be hiding in your office:  Desk chair. That swiveling action lets […]

What Does CNC Machining Owe Sheep?

A sheep You may look at a sheep and wonder what is has to do with CNC (computer numerical control) machining. The truth is, we might not have seen the creation and expansion of manufacturing and computing as it is now if not for fleece and a few creative thinkers in the 18th century. The […]

Bearings at the Louvre?

The “Mona Lisa” Do you know what connects the Pyramids, the “Mona Lisa”, and a healthy smile? Pssst, it’s bearings. Leonardo da Vinci, the artist, cartographer, astronomer, and painter of “The Last Supper” and the “Mona Lisa”, was also an engineer. His research and discoveries predated the invention of helicopters, tanks, submarines, watch works, and […]